Jul 17 / Katie Hodgkins

What is 'EOTAS'?

Exploring EOTAS: A Warm Welcome to Tailored Education

In the complex tapestry of the UK’s education system, the concept of EOTAS – Education Other Than At School – is an approach that has been historically misunderstood and one that we've been working on improving perceptions of.

EOTAS (increasingly referred to as EOTIS - in rather than at school) encompasses various educational settings and services designed to cater to the diverse needs of children who, for a myriad of reasons, find that conventional schooling doesn’t quite fit their requirements. For example, neurodivergence! This article will give us an introduction to EOTAS, in preparation for our webinar on the topic going live on the Sunshine Academy on the 1st of August 2024.

What is EOTAS?

EOTAS is an umbrella term used to describe educational provisions outside the traditional school environment. These provisions can encompass tutoring, specific provisions, vocational settings, and so many other different things depending on the young person - it's bespoke and that is the beauty of EOTAS! The core philosophy behind EOTAS is to provide flexible, tailored education that meets the unique needs of each young person, ensuring they receive the best possible learning experience, regardless of their circumstances.


  1. Personalised Learning: One of the primary advantages of EOTAS is its capacity to offer a bespoke approach. Traditional schools, with their larger class sizes and standardised curriculums, may struggle to cater to the individual learning styles and paces of every student even with an EHCP in place. EOTAS, on the other hand, provides a tailored educational approach, allowing educators to design programs that address the specific strengths, interests, and needs of each child.

  2. Emotional and Social Well-being: For some children, the conventional school environment can be overwhelming or even detrimental to their emotional and social well-being. Bullying, social anxiety, or other mental health challenges can make attending a regular school a distressing experience. EOTAS settings often offer smaller, more intimate learning environments where children can feel safe, supported, and understood. This nurturing atmosphere can significantly enhance their emotional well-being and academic performance.

  3. Flexibility for Health Needs: Children with chronic illnesses or disabilities might find the rigid schedule and physical demands of traditional schooling unmanageable and highly dysregulating. EOTAS can provide the flexibility needed to accommodate medical appointments, rest periods, and other health-related needs.

  4. Re-engagement with Education: Some children become disillusioned with conventional schooling due to various reasons such as unmet SEND needs. EOTAS can offer a fresh start and an opportunity to re-engage with education in a more positive and constructive manner. By providing a different educational setting that might better align with their needs and aspirations, EOTAS can reignite a love for learning!

  5. Innovative Teaching Methods: EOTAS often incorporates innovative teaching methods and a broader curriculum of topics. For instance, experiential learning, outdoor education, and vocational training can be more easily integrated into EOTAS programs. These methods can be fantastic for children who thrive in hands-on, practical learning environments rather than traditional, desk-based classrooms.

    Want to learn more about EOTAS?

    Our EOTAS webinar will go live on the 1st of August 2024: keep tuned in!