2 hours
Children with FAS & FASD
Identifying, Diagnosing, Accepting & Supporting
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Meet the expert
Dr Raja Mukherjee
Professor Raja Mukherjee is an Adult Learning Disability Consultant Psychiatrist for Surrey and Border’s Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, with interest in the management of developmental disorders across the lifespan. In September 2009 he started the first NHS based specialist Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders behavioural clinic and since then has seen over 250 cases for specialist second opinion as a National referral service. Professor Mukherjee completed his PhD on the subject of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome in 2014. He has also acted as an invited advisor to the BMA board of science, The Department of Health, and the World Health Organisation on the subject of FASD. In 2015, Professor Mukherjee also gave evidence to the first All Party Parliamentary Group on FASD at the House of Commons. He has continued to support national clinical developments related to FASD. Professor Mukherjee is a member of the NICE quality standards group for FASD. He is currently the only UK representative to a US, NIH sponsored initiative to consider the research criteria for FASD. In his own time, he volunteers as a medical advisor to various FASD charities both in the UK and internationally. In 2021 he was made an Honorary Professor at the University of Salford related to his work on FASD.
In wider work, he is currently Clinical Lead for Adult neurodevelopmental services provided by Surrey and Borders including Adult ASD and ADHD services across Surrey, Hampshire, and Portsmouth. He is an executive committee member of the RCPsych SIG on neurodevelopmental disorders, taking over as Finance officer from July 2021.
Patrick Jones - Course author
Meet the expert
Joanna Buckard
Joanna is a specialist trainer and qualified Health and Social Care lecturer and has been working in the social care sector for 25 years. She previously worked for a Social Services Children and Families assessment team and as a Residential Social Worker for children with significant emotional and behavioural problems.
Joanna has delivered training throughout the UK to various children and families social workers, fostering and adoption teams, foster carers, family support workers, residential social workers, teachers, inclusion teams, midwives, doctors, psychologists and many more.
Patrick Jones - Course author