2 hours
Obtaining & Securing SEND Support at University
There are many ways that Universities can help and support students with SEND. There are laws in place to ensure that Universities have a duty to make their education more accessible.
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Meet the expert
Tanya Thomas
I have been a solicitor since 2002. I have been helping students since 2014 when I worked as a Student Union Advisor in a university near my home. Universities often do not get things right and this can have disastrous consequences on your education and your career, not to mention the fact it could leave you in serious debt with nothing to show for it. Many of you will have paid thousands of pounds to study and you deserve to be treated fairly.
I have 2 children a Labrador and a duck. have recently experienced university as a parent too. I live on a smallholding in Wales .
I have helped a lot of students who have hidden disabilities or long-term mental health issues including anxiety, depression and OCD. There is a lot of confusion about what constitutes a disability, and they often go unnoticed by universities meaning students suffer in silence unnecessarily. I help universities put things right and help students with long-term mental health issues get back on track.
Patrick Jones - Course author