• Duration

    2 hours

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    School Refusal and FII

    School refusal is fast becoming a problem in education that is widely misunderstood. Blame and responsibility is placed on the child (and sometimes the parents too). This parental blame can then trigger FII accusations, making the situation worse. 

    So, how can we work together, as parents and educators, to understand and improve school attendance in children and young people? 
    Write your awesome label here.


    Meet the Experts

    Chrissa Wadlow

    Chrissa founded Sunshine Support in 2017 after her own gruelling battle to gain her daughter a suitable education provision. 

    Her journey, littered with injustice, was filled with a catalogue of errors and the family received very limited help from services they thought they could trust, creating irreparable damage for the entire family. 

    It took 2 SEND tribunals, a high court case and one final SEND tribunal for Chrissa to gain the educational placement her daughter needs. It shouldn't be this hard. 

    Chrissa could not allow this to continue to happen, and so formed Sunshine Support to help other families navigate their way through the process of Special Educational Needs to ensure they received the RIGHT advice and guidance from trustworthy experts. 

    Patrick Jones - Course author
    Meet the Experts

    Jess Ward

    Jess Ward is a Legal Adviser at Sunshine Support, being qualified with her LLB Hons from Lancaster University. Her specialism is drafting Pre-Action Protocol letters in preparation for Judicial Reviews. 


    Patrick Jones - Course author