• Duration

    2 hours

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    Supporting Autistic Women During Menopause

    An introduction to menopause and its midlife context.
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    Meet the expert

    Dr. Rachel Moseley

    My research centres on autism and the difficulties that autistic people often face in adulthood. I principally focus on suicidality, self-injury and mental health in autistic adults, including the comorbidity between autism and certain conditions, like eating disorders. I also study issues around late-diagnosis, the burden of camouflaging and stigma, ageing, and lifespan transition points like menopause. My career began in cognitive neuroscience, and I previously used neurometabolic (MRI, DTI) and electrophysiological (EEG, MEG) methods to investigate language, emotion and social processes in autistic and non-autistic people.

    I am passionate about increasing acceptance of neurodivergent minds through public engagement, and improving life for autistic people through my consultancy work and engagement with policy-makers. 

    Patrick Jones - Course author
    Meet the expert

    Prof. Julie Turner-Cobb

    I have an established programme of interdisciplinary research examining the effects of psychosocial factors, particularly stress, coping and social support, on endocrine functioning across a range of acute and chronic health conditions in adults and children. I specialise in the measurement of salivary cortisol and my work involves both longitudinal field work and laboratory assessment of acute stress reactivity. I am particularly interested in intergenerational effects of stress and resilience, including family and parental influences on cortisol functioning during childhood and health across the lifecourse. I have received funding for my research from a number of sources including the Nuffield Foundation, the Arthritis and Rheumatism Council (ARC), and the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), and collaborate in research funded by the NIHR Research for Patient Benefit scheme.

    Patrick Jones - Course author
    Meet the expert

    Cathie Long

    Highly skilled independent social worker offering assessments for children, young people, and adults for Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunals and/or Judicial Review

    Capacity Assessments for the Court of Protection 

    Approved Mental Health Professional 

    Expert witness

    Neurodivergent trainer 

    Co-author of 'Fabricated or Induced Illness and Perplexing Presentations - Abbreviated Practice Guide', May

    2022, British Association of Social Workers publication.

    Patrick Jones - Course author